Paella is quite possibly one of the most personal meals to prepare . Somewhere, someone's Spanish grandmother has perfected her concoction and passed it down to the next of kin. The perfect Paella may taste wonderful to you, but there seems to always be someone who claims they have had or can make it better.
Pleasanton's Casa Madrid creates a wonderful Paella and adds a memorable experience. Single servings are brought to the table in it's cooking pan. All Paella's are cooked to order with choices of meat, shellfish, or vegetarian. It takes 30-40 minutes for this meal so be prepared for a wait.
For a much more personal experience Chef Raquel Hermosilla brings a very unique service wherever you desire. Personal Chef Raquel will come to your home and cook her perfected Paella fresh, and to order. Her personal chef services are available through out the entire bay area, and seem to be strictly Spanish so be prepared for an authentic experience.
Paella is a wonderful meal, and is sure to be next on your list of comfort foods.
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