Thursday, February 10, 2011

Growwwwwiiinggg your food!

I don't have a green thumb. There I said it. Don't ever ask me to water your plants while you are in Mexico unless you want them dead upon return. Always one to try to fix my flaws I have decided to attempt to "grow" in this area. Next week I will be planting my food.

So far the best way I have come across to save money on food is growing it yourself! I'm learning that having no room outdoors is no excuse either. This fantastic site offers tips and tricks on planting vegetables inside the privacy of your own home. Feeling more ambitious? Get your city involved! Urban gardens in vacant lots are popping up all over the country. It may mean going through some red tape, but meeting new people and learning a new hobby might just make it worth it. :) The city of San Diego did just that. Watch the vid below to see how it came to "fruition" haha! Happy gardening loves!  

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